Getting started
Let's start our journey with Bastion. During it we will see the main features, we have a lot to discover. For that we will follow a theme, we will build a small CRUD application.
In this first chapter, we will talk about:
- Installing Bastion on your project
- The Classic and timeless: hello, world!
Bastion is a library which need to be added as a dependency to your project. For that, you just have to add it as follow to your Cargo.toml
bastion = "0.3.5-alpha"
You can also use cargo-edit and run cargo add bastion
in a shell.
Hello, world!
The most classic of all examples and especially the essential hello, world! Only for you, in Bastion.
use bastion::prelude::*;
async fn once_hello_world(ctx: BastionContext) -> Result<(), ()> {
.on_question(|question: &str, sender| {
if question == "hi!" {
.reply("hello, world!")
.expect("Failed to reply to sender");
} else {
panic!("Expected string `hi!`, found `{}`", question);
.on_fallback(|v, addr| panic!("Wrong message from {:?}: got {:?}", addr, v));
fn main() {
Bastion::children(|children| {
.expect("Couldn't create the children group.");
let say_hi = Distributor::named("say_hi");
run!(async {
let answer: Result<&str, SendError> =
say_hi.request("hi!").await.expect("Couldn't send request");
println!("{}", answer.expect("Couldn't receive answer"))
Don't forget, if you have any question, you can find us on Discord!